So today was free day at Sunpeaks (for Kamloopsians that is) and since none of have seasons passes this year we decided to take advantage of it for the first time. Needless to say quite a few people decide to do the same thing. Anyways with my lovely sore toe I only lasted one run. So I took a few pictures, met dad and Tyson for lunch, read a book, got swarmed by asians (this was a wee bit scary as I couldn't keep up with what language they were speaking).
After all that we went home sat around, drove to Bre's, found out my truck won't start, got a different vehicle, had a delicious Starbucks tea, went to the hockey game and now I am back home in bed giving you a long and boring summery of my day........
NOW FOR THE PICTURES :) (I mean thats why you are here right???)
The lineup for the lift

The crazy line in Bentos

The Village