Hey Yas,
Here is a quick update for the past couple weeks. Sorry I still can't put pictures on here still but I will be sure to soon. Anyways.....
On Sunday...that would be a week ago Sunday I went to Tim and Shalannes in Kalbar for a week. We spent a lot of the time laughing at the people in Boonah who thought it was so cold that beanies and winter jackets were needed. Though really it was about mid twenties and not cold at all. Shalanne made sure I tried all the Aussie food...which included cream buns. Those are SOOO yummy :)
On Saturday evening Tim and Shalanne drove me to the Gold Coast where I was meeting Phil and Fran. I got to check out Surfers Paradise and all the shops around there while they were at their meetings. It was VERY busy there though because it is winter holidays here right now. Then I walked back to where Phil and Fran were, which took me about an hour I think, to wait for them.
I sent off one of my suitcases to sydney this morning so I would have less to worry about on the flight there. Anyways that is about all I have been up to the past little while. I have 5 more days left here till I fly back to Sydney. It will sure be nice to sleep in my own bed again :)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Back Living on the Sunshine Coast
Well I made it back from Sydney. I sat beside a man on the plane who liked to talk about music because he saw I was wearing shoes with music notes on them :)
So what did I do in my last few days in Sydney.....Thursday Elena and I caught the train in to the city for some shopping and a lot of walking. We stopped a nearly every tourist shop along the way I think. Then Elle picked up some painting supplies at a huge store called Dymox....i think. Then we went back to her place because she had soccer training that night.
Friday we caught the bus to Paramatta where Sara picked us up and we spent the morning at her moms house. That night we went out with Stelly. She took us to a park where we could look at the city when all the lights were on though it was gated all the way around. Anyways there was a section open when we got there but by the time we left it was locked so we had to squish though a section we could pull apart a bit. Then we went to get in the car and the main gate was locked as well. Fortunately there was a security guard leaving at the same time and he let us out. Then we went back to Stelly's house and had a little bonfire. Though we spent most of that time under umbrellas because it started to rain but our fire didn't go out so that is all that matters to my way of thinking :)
Saturday we went in to the city and went to markets.....i think it was Paddy's markets but I am not totally sure about that. Anyways we wandered around there for a while then we took a walk down to Darling Harbour before walking back to catch the bus.
Anyways that was pretty much a summary of my time in Sydney. Monday we spent the morning painting a huge canvas for Elle's room before catching the train to the airport.
I got back to the sunshine coast Monday night. Then Tuesday I packed up all my stuff and moved up to Flaxton and Phil and Fran's house. So yesterday I went to Montville for a little bit. Specifically to find a little shop and by the time I got there I forgot what the name was and couldn't find it.
Unfortunately I can't put any pictures up at the moment because they are all on my computer and there is no wireless internet. So if I have my laptop in a place where there is wireless I will upload some otherwise I will put them on when I get home.
Well I made it back from Sydney. I sat beside a man on the plane who liked to talk about music because he saw I was wearing shoes with music notes on them :)
So what did I do in my last few days in Sydney.....Thursday Elena and I caught the train in to the city for some shopping and a lot of walking. We stopped a nearly every tourist shop along the way I think. Then Elle picked up some painting supplies at a huge store called Dymox....i think. Then we went back to her place because she had soccer training that night.
Friday we caught the bus to Paramatta where Sara picked us up and we spent the morning at her moms house. That night we went out with Stelly. She took us to a park where we could look at the city when all the lights were on though it was gated all the way around. Anyways there was a section open when we got there but by the time we left it was locked so we had to squish though a section we could pull apart a bit. Then we went to get in the car and the main gate was locked as well. Fortunately there was a security guard leaving at the same time and he let us out. Then we went back to Stelly's house and had a little bonfire. Though we spent most of that time under umbrellas because it started to rain but our fire didn't go out so that is all that matters to my way of thinking :)
Saturday we went in to the city and went to markets.....i think it was Paddy's markets but I am not totally sure about that. Anyways we wandered around there for a while then we took a walk down to Darling Harbour before walking back to catch the bus.
Anyways that was pretty much a summary of my time in Sydney. Monday we spent the morning painting a huge canvas for Elle's room before catching the train to the airport.
I got back to the sunshine coast Monday night. Then Tuesday I packed up all my stuff and moved up to Flaxton and Phil and Fran's house. So yesterday I went to Montville for a little bit. Specifically to find a little shop and by the time I got there I forgot what the name was and couldn't find it.
Unfortunately I can't put any pictures up at the moment because they are all on my computer and there is no wireless internet. So if I have my laptop in a place where there is wireless I will upload some otherwise I will put them on when I get home.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Shopping and Sydney
Hey Yas,
Well I am back in Sydney and staying with my friend Elena for a week. More on that later though since I should do this in order. I had a pretty awesome weekend....though it was a little chilly at times :)
Ezzy on the jumping castle at the show.
On Friday day night I went up to Phil and Frans with the kids. I got a huge king size bed all to myself!!! Anyways on Saturday we went to the Nambour Show and for any of you who have been to the Armstrong Fair it is a lot like that. We spent the day wandering around and taking the kids on rides and watching the wood chopping competition. Oh and they have these awesome show bags that are full of candy so we had a lot of yummy sugar that day. Then in the evening they had a little freestyle motor cross and the Toyota highlanders......not sure if that is the name. Anyways it was pretty much a little bit of stunt driving in little Toyota trucks. One of the guys drove around the whole arena on two wheels. There were also some really good fireworks that night.
I flew to Sydney on Sunday night after a yummy lunch on the beach. Monday Elena and I went to the Blue Mountains to see the Three Sisters. It was a little foggy and very chilly but other then that it was really neat to see. I bought a little sign in the souvenir shop there that says 'no worries mate' that I thought was kind of cool. We wandered around the town there called Katoomba for a little while. Oh so I might have mentioned before that Australia is the country of roundabouts.....pretty much every intersection is a roundabout. Well in Katoomba we wanted to turn around so Elle was like we will just go all the way around the next roundabout. The problem was there wasn't one. We were very excited that we had finally found a place without them. Though as we drove home Elle remembered that there were two right as you drove in to the town. Only two in the whole town....that is pretty amazing.
The Three Sisters.
Yesterday Elle and I did a little shopping at a couple outlet factorys. Then she had training for soccer that night so I spent the evening by myself. Then when she got home we walked to the servo up the street and bought chips and candy then watched a movie before going to bed. This morning her friend Sara picked us up for a little fast shopping at the shops that are near by. We got some pretty awesome deals there. Elena has to work today so now I am on my own until she gets back.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A Sunny Day For A Change!!
Now I have to figure out where I left off...I should learn to do that before I start typing :) What have I done since May 30.......
My bedroom for the moment....
Well I don't remeber what I did last week except some sitting at the beach haha....I think it was Thusday that I went to the Plaza in the morning. I found a fathers day card which was very surprising since their fathers day isn't for another couple months. The lady started asking questions when I went to pay for it. I think she was a little confused :) After I left there I drove to Coolum Beach and bought a meat pie for lunch. The only problem was that it started raining and there was no where to sit. I walked along the boardwalk eating my pie (which is very messy) until I found a place to sit that was covered. I was going to sit there and read my book and listen to the waves but since it was raining and not very nice I decided to leave.
The lifeguard tower at mooloolaba
On monday I went to Montville with Pru. Her parents own the clock shop there. It is just a little one street town in the hills. There was a candy store there where you could watch them while they made the candy. It smelled amazing in that store. We ate lunch with some of Pru's family at a little cafe. The most exciting part of the whole day was that I found sour patch kids in the chocolate shop. The first place I have seen them in Australia. They don't have sour candy like we do at home.....
My guitar
On tuesday I went to Australia Zoo for a few hours. If any of you have heard of Steve Irwin.....that was his zoo. I watched a little show with birds, snakes and crocs. It was really neat to see. They got a volunteer at the beginning of the show to demonstrate a snake bite (pretend of course).....the only problem was that the lady was scared of the snakes. Though the snakes wheren't moving and there were tons of people in there. Anyways they got her on the stretcher after the showed us what to do if you got bit and proceeded to throw her in to the water :) I walked through Roo Heaven where you can pet the kangaroos and wallabes. A few of the animals where hiding I think because it was raining a bit.
At Australia Zoo
Yesterday I took a walk up to the Buderim main street. I had run out of money on my phone so I had to get that. While I was up there I had a strwberry fruit chiller and a muffin at Gloria Jeans. Today I was going to drive to Noosa but I am supposed to be helping paint some timber whenever they are ready so I am saving that for another day. I went and walked on the beach for a couple hours thing morning which was nice....it was hot and the sun was shining so that always makes for a good day at the beach :)
Friday, May 30, 2008
Hello everyone....
I has been fairly rainy for the past couple days so we spent a lazy day around the house today.....because when it rains here it pours...or so it seems to me. I don't think I have ever seen it rain this hard for such a long period of time in my life.... anyways enough about the rain.
The past couple weeks I have been hanging around with the Toddys and tagging along when thay go places. On the weekend all my plans with the young kids got canceled so I spend a relaxing (but slightly cold and windy) saturday evening on the beach fishing with the Toddys. We caught a couple little fish, one for each the kids, but nothing that we could keep. I think it was the thursday before that when I went shopping with Jess and her brother at the Plaza. That mall is huge....or more confusing then huge I guess. There is a river running through the middle of it and some of the stores are on the outside and some of it is inside.
On monday we finally got the car up and running. So at the moment I am driving a little ford laser hatch....I will get a picture of it to show you all eventually. That day I went for a little drive by myself for the first time. I drove to the Plaza to go pick up a wireless router. I only got lost once so that was good. With all the round abouts it's hard to firgure out which way you are supposed to go out of them...unless you know road names. Tuesday afternoon I drove to Brissy which was fun. I had a bit of a laugh when I went through the tolls though. You have four choices when you go through the tolls here. There is one where you can swip a card, one where it takes a picture or something of a little thing you have hanging in your car, one you see a person and one where you have exact change. I took the exact change because it is only 2.60 though when I got up to it I couldn't figure out where to put the money. I ended up watching the guy on a motorcycle beside be and you have to throw (literally as you can't get close enough to touch it) your money in to a half basket thing and then the gate goes up. On the way home I lost 2 dollars (don't say toonie or they will look at you weird) because I threw it took hard and it bounced out. I stayed at the morrison's while I was there. Tyler and his brother Eric took me rock climbing that night which I am STILL a bit sore from. Though a lot better then yesterday that's for sure! Again I only got lost once driving to Brissy and it was because of a round about......
Wednesday night was a driving experience I won't forget anytime soon. Justin and Pru were already at meeting since we go to Pru parents and they had supper up there with some family. So I had to find my way there in the dark. Well I honestly can't say how I got turned around so bad but I did make it there before meeting started (though only because I left so early). The first mistake I made was going around a round about. It was a two lane one and I realized to late so I got stuck in the outside lane which means I had to exit right away or risk causing an accident with someone in the inside lane. Well I ended up heading towards Brissy...which I didn't want to do. Anyways to say the least it is hard to find your way on a dark and rainy night.....
Yesterday which would be........sorry have to think about this....thursday I went over to Jess' house. She took me out for lunch and we got little meat pie's at coolum beach. They were very good if I say so myself. We did a little bit of shopping in a few of the stores there. Then we hung out at her house all afternoon. We were going to go to the beach but.......it was pouring rain. It seems to really like doing that at the moment....
Well that is all for now!!!
I has been fairly rainy for the past couple days so we spent a lazy day around the house today.....because when it rains here it pours...or so it seems to me. I don't think I have ever seen it rain this hard for such a long period of time in my life.... anyways enough about the rain.
The sunset...
The past couple weeks I have been hanging around with the Toddys and tagging along when thay go places. On the weekend all my plans with the young kids got canceled so I spend a relaxing (but slightly cold and windy) saturday evening on the beach fishing with the Toddys. We caught a couple little fish, one for each the kids, but nothing that we could keep. I think it was the thursday before that when I went shopping with Jess and her brother at the Plaza. That mall is huge....or more confusing then huge I guess. There is a river running through the middle of it and some of the stores are on the outside and some of it is inside.
On monday we finally got the car up and running. So at the moment I am driving a little ford laser hatch....I will get a picture of it to show you all eventually. That day I went for a little drive by myself for the first time. I drove to the Plaza to go pick up a wireless router. I only got lost once so that was good. With all the round abouts it's hard to firgure out which way you are supposed to go out of them...unless you know road names. Tuesday afternoon I drove to Brissy which was fun. I had a bit of a laugh when I went through the tolls though. You have four choices when you go through the tolls here. There is one where you can swip a card, one where it takes a picture or something of a little thing you have hanging in your car, one you see a person and one where you have exact change. I took the exact change because it is only 2.60 though when I got up to it I couldn't figure out where to put the money. I ended up watching the guy on a motorcycle beside be and you have to throw (literally as you can't get close enough to touch it) your money in to a half basket thing and then the gate goes up. On the way home I lost 2 dollars (don't say toonie or they will look at you weird) because I threw it took hard and it bounced out. I stayed at the morrison's while I was there. Tyler and his brother Eric took me rock climbing that night which I am STILL a bit sore from. Though a lot better then yesterday that's for sure! Again I only got lost once driving to Brissy and it was because of a round about......
Wednesday night was a driving experience I won't forget anytime soon. Justin and Pru were already at meeting since we go to Pru parents and they had supper up there with some family. So I had to find my way there in the dark. Well I honestly can't say how I got turned around so bad but I did make it there before meeting started (though only because I left so early). The first mistake I made was going around a round about. It was a two lane one and I realized to late so I got stuck in the outside lane which means I had to exit right away or risk causing an accident with someone in the inside lane. Well I ended up heading towards Brissy...which I didn't want to do. Anyways to say the least it is hard to find your way on a dark and rainy night.....
Yesterday which would be........sorry have to think about this....thursday I went over to Jess' house. She took me out for lunch and we got little meat pie's at coolum beach. They were very good if I say so myself. We did a little bit of shopping in a few of the stores there. Then we hung out at her house all afternoon. We were going to go to the beach but.......it was pouring rain. It seems to really like doing that at the moment....
Well that is all for now!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
hello Everyone,
Sorry everyone for the very long space in between updates. My mother has been complaining about it, and now she is probably reading this laughing :) Unfortunately there is no wireless where I am at the moment so I can't upload pictures but I will get those on here as soon as possible.
I have moved on to Buderim which is where I will be for the next little while. I am staying with some friends that my family met while they were in Canada. There is ocean view from the living room window....just a little tiny stretch of the ocean we can see.
I don't remember where I left off so I am sorry if I repeat anything. Sorry gotta pause so I can wash my hands.....I was eating a bag of cheese twisties. Oh shopping here is very funny because everything comes in different containers. For example that bag of cheezies I just ate looks identical to a bag of plain lays chips....it is was very disappointing the first time I opened a bag of them. Anyways back to Sydney... Elle and I went to Toranga Zoo which was very fun. Though we couldn't figure out why everyone was taking so many pictures of the bears when there were kangaroos... On the weekend we went to the markets. It was mostly crafty stuff with a couple photographers and food booths. One of the days (sorry I can't remeber which one at the moment) we went for a walk along about six beaches. We started at Bondi Beach and worked our way down from there. Thursday was our first free day after a week and a half. We were going to go the mountains and see the three sisters but decided that we were to tired. So we went back to sleep instead :) We used the day to run errands. We met Elle's friend for supper that night at an Italian restaurant. On friday we were supposed to go sailing with Elena's roomate but it got canceled so we went to Palm Beach instead. We walked up to the lighthouse that was way up on the hill. The path up to it was really neat but slippery when you are wearing sandles...
On saturday Tyler picked me up from the Brisbane airport and we met Pru and the kids at the beach. That night I went to a young kids get together with Tyler's cousin Jess. It was pretty funny because all the kids were dressed up like old people. The last few days I have just been hanging out with Justin, Pru and the kids. I was by myself today so I walked up to the shops on the main street to look around.
Anyways hopefully I will get pictures on here soon....enjoy everyone!!!
Sorry everyone for the very long space in between updates. My mother has been complaining about it, and now she is probably reading this laughing :) Unfortunately there is no wireless where I am at the moment so I can't upload pictures but I will get those on here as soon as possible.
I have moved on to Buderim which is where I will be for the next little while. I am staying with some friends that my family met while they were in Canada. There is ocean view from the living room window....just a little tiny stretch of the ocean we can see.
I don't remember where I left off so I am sorry if I repeat anything. Sorry gotta pause so I can wash my hands.....I was eating a bag of cheese twisties. Oh shopping here is very funny because everything comes in different containers. For example that bag of cheezies I just ate looks identical to a bag of plain lays chips....it is was very disappointing the first time I opened a bag of them. Anyways back to Sydney... Elle and I went to Toranga Zoo which was very fun. Though we couldn't figure out why everyone was taking so many pictures of the bears when there were kangaroos... On the weekend we went to the markets. It was mostly crafty stuff with a couple photographers and food booths. One of the days (sorry I can't remeber which one at the moment) we went for a walk along about six beaches. We started at Bondi Beach and worked our way down from there. Thursday was our first free day after a week and a half. We were going to go the mountains and see the three sisters but decided that we were to tired. So we went back to sleep instead :) We used the day to run errands. We met Elle's friend for supper that night at an Italian restaurant. On friday we were supposed to go sailing with Elena's roomate but it got canceled so we went to Palm Beach instead. We walked up to the lighthouse that was way up on the hill. The path up to it was really neat but slippery when you are wearing sandles...
On saturday Tyler picked me up from the Brisbane airport and we met Pru and the kids at the beach. That night I went to a young kids get together with Tyler's cousin Jess. It was pretty funny because all the kids were dressed up like old people. The last few days I have just been hanging out with Justin, Pru and the kids. I was by myself today so I walked up to the shops on the main street to look around.
Anyways hopefully I will get pictures on here soon....enjoy everyone!!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hello All,
Well we finally have internet going which mean I can get started on this as promised. The past few days have been pretty crazy. We are finally getting settled in and are starting to do some travelling around. On saturday after my plane came in we moved Elle to her new house. Which is a WHOLE lot cleaner then the last one. The rest of that day was a blur of shopping and running from one place to the next. We crashed pretty early since I hadn't slept in 30 something hours. On the plane I sat beside a really nice Australian couple who told some Aussie things they thought I ought to know. Such as never walk out in to the street thinking people will stop for you...because they won't.
Elle waiting to play her soccer game
On monday Elena had to work so I spent a very lazy day locked in her room :). I used that day to try and catch up some sleep. When she got home we ran over to the other house and picked up the last of her things and used the internet since we didn't have any at the new house. Tuesday we the touristy thing. We took the train down to Circular Quey (not sure if that is how you spell it) and saw the opera house and did a little shopping and wandering around till it was time to go home. 
Looking back at the city
Today we did a little shopping in the morning, mainly for a beach towel. Only we found out that beach towels are obviously hard to come by at this time of the year :). It took us about an hour before we finally found some. Then we drove up to Palm beach to look around. The water was very warm but since Elle had to work we didn't have time to go swimming. While she worked I fought with the internet since it wouldn't work for me and had a little snooze. Elle and I have spent the last couple hours playing catch up on the internet and having fun. Well that is about all for now...
Walking in the water at Palm Beach
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